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Education Programmes

“The guidance department provides very good support for students.”

– Whole School Inspection Report

What do we offer?

Junior Cycle

Students study core subjects Irish, English, Maths, Business, RE, History, Geography, and Wellbeing (CSPE, SPHE and PE).


Students will also choose two subjects from: Science, French and Art.


Students will complete Classroom-Based Assessments and Written Assessment Tasks as part of the New Junior Cycle Framework. All students will follow the Junior Certificate School Programme (JCSP).

Transition Year

TY is optional in St. Vincent’s but we would always recommend our students could benefit from this active programme.


In addition to continuing their core subjects students are exposed to new areas such as Smart Skills App Development, Multimedia Production, Forensics, IT and Career Guidance.


Students also benefit from two blocks of work experience which gives valuable insight into the world of work.

Leaving Cert

Students study core subjects Irish, English, Maths, PE(Exam), RE and Career Guidance.


They also choose three subjects from:


Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Business, Accounting, Art, History, Geography and French.

Leaving Cert Applied

The LCA Programme runs in the school and is a two-year senior cycle programme that is available for students who wish to follow a strong practical education path that has a strong vocational (work) emphasis.


The LCA programme awards credits during 5th and 6th year and students have work experience as part of their school timetable. LCA students will have the same options as most LC (Established) students after school.

DCU Access School

We are a DCU Access school and benefit from programmes run in the college for all year groups.



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